Root to Flourish - Anxiety - hero3.png

I’m an excellent worrier. I worry about everything, all the time.


How sick are you of feeling worried about every damn thing? And, how freaking tired are you of those worries preventing you from living and enjoying your life?

Your mind runs a million miles a minute, a literal avalanche of thoughts. And, you don’t know how to make it stop, although you really, really try. It’s like you’re at war with your own mind! Your attention jumps from one thing to another. You just have so many things to worry about. It’s hard to read or watch a movie because you just can’t concentrate. And it prevents you from being your best at school or work too.

How great would it be to shut off all that chatter so you could go to sleep, and stay asleep? (How crazy is it to feel exhausted and ‘on edge’ at the same time?) Although you want — and obviously need — to sleep, your mind is too keyed up; how can you not be exhausted and grouchy the next day? You wake up immediately thinking — already worrying, really?!?!

Consider how many times you’ve gotten so worked up about something, and it ends up being fine (or maybe it was more than fine, maybe it was really great!). You look back and realize that you had nothing to worry about. And, then, you realize how much time and energy you spent worrying about it. But, you knew that. In the moment you knew that the something you were worrying about would be fine. But, you couldn’t convince yourself to let it go. It’s soooo frustrating...

You can train your mind to focus on what you’d like to focus on, and to let go of these crazy-making thoughts. (It’s true!) It is possible to quiet your mind, to not feel worried all the time, and to actually live your life as it’s happening.

Send an e-mail or fill out the contact form to start learning the strategies to quiet your mind, feel less worried, and enjoy this life you’ve worked so hard to build. I’d love to hear from you.


+ Social skills… what social skills?


You consider yourself an introvert, maybe even a homebody. You very much enjoy spending time with others but one-on-one or in small groups. You open up and appreciate close connections but only after you’ve had to chance to get to know people better.Happy hours and networking events are the stuff of your nightmares. Meet your significant other’s parents… or (gulp) give a presentation?!?!… The very idea evokes nothing less than an utter sense of dread. Even super small things — making phone calls, having takeout delivered, ordering from the counter, asking a store clerk for help — make you cringe.

Replaying and picking apart conversations in your head is your forte. You excel at imagining what others think of you. How are other people so unconcerned — and even relaxed — talking to total strangers? You don’t get it!

You’re tired of being so self-conscious. Sometimes you find yourself convinced that others are looking at you, scrutinizing you, judging you… and you’re certain you’ll be found wanting. You are convinced you’ll do or say something ‘stupid,’ something ‘wrong,’ and then you’ll feel humiliated or embarrassed or rejected. Better to just keep your trap shut and try to blend in. And you’ve gotten so good at it… that sometimes you feel completely invisible, like no one even knows you exist.

You can usually manage this stuff by just avoiding the situations that make you uncomfortable. But, what happens when you can’t? What if your job requires you to go to networking events or give presentations? And, you would genuinely like to meet new people — or just have a freaking pizza delivered! — without feeling panicky. Avoiding all of these things makes you feel safe… but your life then becomes so small.

Let’s build your self-confidence. Let’s find — and teach you to own — your inner voice, your true self. It is possible to be your unique, genuine, authentic self and to learn to be more confident in social situations.

Let’s chat about what the process to find and nurture your self-confidence, stop doubting yourself, and truly connect with your life looks like. Reach out via e-mail or the contact form.

+ Don’t tell me I’m fine! I know I’m sick... aren’t I?


You go to your doctor and describe your symptoms. Your doc checks it out and tells you you’re fine.Whew. That’s a relief.


A few days pass… and you’re right back to worrying that you’re actually sick. You’re certain the doctor missed something. Or, you need to tell the doc about something new you’ve noticed. So, you schedule an appointment… and the cycle starts over.

You’re constantly checking in with your body. And, researching symptoms, conditions, and causes online. Your family and friends are getting sooo frustrated. They’re tired of hearing about it, tired of trying to reassure you — especially when it doesn’t work anyway.

You may rationally know you’re not sick; you heard what the doctor said, you know the test results came back totally normal. But, you cannot let go of the worry that you are actually seriously ill… and it’s taking over your mind and your relationships. It’s consuming your life.

There is a way through. There are tools and strategies to reclaim your life, to let go of the worry, to be able to believe what the doctor is telling you.

Say hello via the contact form or introduce yourself with an e-mail to start a conversation about learning how to reclaim your life from the fear and worry about your health that is preventing you from living your life.

+ I thought I was having a heart attack! I truly thought I was going to die!


Your heart is pounding. There’s pain in your chest. You’re sweating. You tremble and shake. You can’t take a deep breath. You feel dizzy and nauseous. And you’re utterly terrified. You feel like you’re going crazy. You are convinced you are going to die.

Eventually it stops. But… what if it happens again? And what if you’re driving, giving a presentation, or on a plane when it does?!?! What if you can’t find help? What if you make a complete fool of yourself?

Your body is not betraying you. It has been alerted to a potential — although likely imaginary — threat and is reacting in this way to protect you.

All we have to do is rewire your brain so it recognizes that you’re not actually in danger.

And, fortunately, there are skills, strategies, and tools to empower you to do that very thing! Crazy, right? (And super cool.)

Filling out the contact form or shooting off an e-mail is the first step to learning the skills, tools, and strategies to calm your mind and body, and to reclaiming your life. I’d love to chat with you about it.

+ I’m terrified of dogs (or spiders, or flying, or heights, or blood, or vomiting…) and I can’t live my life because of it!


You may know that dog — or spider — isn’t going to hurt you. You may be fully aware that flying is safer than riding in a car. You may also know that nobody’s life was ever ruined because they threw up. And you know you’re perfectly safe behind the guard rail looking over the lip of the Grand Canyon.

But, it doesn’t matter.

You are utterly and completely terrified. You get anxious even thinking about it. Many people, even people close to you, have no idea. And, it’s likely that you’ve been able to live your life and manage just fine by steering clear of that one terrifying thing.

But now, you’re sick and tired of having to avoid the park or your own attic, of not being able to go on vacation, of dreading and then suffering through a flight, or of having a huge spike of anxiety while lounging on the couch watching tv. You’ve had quite enough of your life being limited by this one thing.

There is a way through. There are tools and strategies to reclaim your life, to overcome the fear.

Introduce yourself with an e-mail or say hello via the contact form to take the first step to learning the skills, tools, and strategies to let go of the fear so you can live your life without limits.